Comments on: The Cheater’s Guide to Baby Sleep Training Open to ALL moms (with no secret handshakes) Wed, 15 Sep 2021 19:34:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Pros and Cons of Pacifier Use ~ Incredible Infant Blog Tue, 28 Mar 2017 23:11:36 +0000 […] A Cheater’s Guide to Baby Sleep Training […]

By: How to Fix the "Baby Not Sleeping" Nightmare - Incredible Infant Tue, 28 Mar 2017 20:59:06 +0000 […] See the sleep-related articles. […]

By: 62 Tricks to Get a Sleeping Baby - Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:41:08 +0000 […] day, rest better at night.  Develop a flexible nap routine for the day (easy to do when you know what to expect) and watch him flourish at […]

By: How to Get Your 2-3 Month Old Baby On a Schedule ~ Incredible Infant Tue, 24 Jan 2017 16:29:29 +0000 […] feedings and cuddles than other babies.  Just remember to keep good records, brush up on your soothing techniques, and be flexible. […]

By: Danielle Miller Tue, 15 Dec 2015 03:12:42 +0000 In reply to Ella.


I agree, I think you are doing a great job reading her “I’m too sleepy” signs.
To help her with that transition, here’s what I recommend: Try a “dream feed”. Get her up with no extra noise or light 20-30 minutes before she usually wakes up (3:40ish) and give her a feeding. It doesn’t have to be a full feeding, just enough to fill her little tummy so she won’t wake up at 4-5:00. If you can give her the feed while she is sleeping or almost asleep then after a couple days of this you can try dropping it all together. The idea is to help her transition from the 4 wake time by filling her tummy enough to get past it. When she breaks the habit (it usually only takes a couple of days) then she should be able to sleep through. Hope this will do the trick for you!

By: Ella Thu, 10 Dec 2015 02:20:14 +0000 Thank you for such an awesome website! My 8th month old baby girl is sorta sleeping through the night. She dropped night feeds herself at 5 months, but continued to wake a few times between 3 to 5am. For 2 months or so now, she’ll wake 4/5am and fuss and cry in crib until I make it her wakeup time 6:15/6:30am. She naps total 3.5hrs, usually less, in 3 naps (8am, 12pm, 3:30/4pm). Naps range from 45min to 1.5hr. She’s ready for bedtime at 7pm. She has no sleep associations, no medical issues, is put down drowsy but awake, falling asleep 5/10min of being put down. I find her yawning even after a 1.5hr nap, and often is yawning in the morning after feed at 6:30/6:45am (I’m assuming it’s because she’s been up since 4/5am!). I’ve tried to help transition her to two naps but that just made her extra cranky and didn’t change wakeup time any. Is there anything I can do to help her get more restorative sleep at night? I’ve mentioned to her pediatrician but she tells me some babies just wake early and don’t need as much sleep. I’m not convinced. My baby gets at most 9 hrs night sleep before waking 4/5am. Please help me help her!

By: Danielle Miller Thu, 08 Oct 2015 23:19:18 +0000 In reply to Hannah.


If I am understanding what you have written, I agree, she does sound like she needs to go down sooner, like she is getting over tired. However, she is still so young that I would do whatever gives her the most opportunity to sleep. Another way to say it is that you want to avoid the “too tired to sleep” downward spiral. I’m sure you know this since you have other children.
I guess, to be clear, I would try not to worry too much about a sleep routine yet, only enough so that she gets the sleep she needs, not thinking that you will be stuck with whatever you try to set right now. When she gets through the 4 month milestones then she will have the skills to self soothe and you will be able to work along with that to help her get into a more solid routine (until teething starts, right?!)

By: Hannah Wed, 07 Oct 2015 08:54:54 +0000 Hi, I love this site and have found it really helpful with my new daughter! If you have time, could you help me with this question though … my daughter is 8 weeks old and currently falls asleep by herself, with a bit of grizzling, almost every nap. She follows your very helpful pattern, sleeping really well in the morning (often 3 hours or more), but napping poorly after 3 pm. I’m finding she is improving as time goes by; however, by bedtime she is usually beside herself, struggles to feed and needs help getting to sleep. Often she will get herself to sleep but wake anything from 3 to 15 minutes later which is exhausting because I will just fall asleep and she will wake me again. This goes on between 10 and 12 pm when I am desperate for sleep (and I have to get up to sort other children out in the morning so no hope of catching up for me).

My question is, should I try putting her down earlier? Or should I scrap all routine and let her nap as she wants after 3 pm? (which would probably be three forty minute naps). Or should we just hang in there and wait for her to mature a bit? I want to establish a bedtime routine by 3 months but it’s just not possible at the moment because she is so tired by bedtime.

By: Danielle Miller Sat, 07 Mar 2015 22:50:32 +0000 In reply to Lisa Johnston.


Absolutely! I think it’s smart to think ahead! 🙂
Right now we encourage sleep shaping more than sleep training (she’s a little too young to self-soothe at this point). This article is a good one in helping you know what she can handle right now. Once she reaches her 4 month milestones then she will be better able to self soothe. When you think she is ready you can try the Sleep Shuffle. Lot’s of fun! 🙂
So, back to your original question: try the crib transition first.

By: Lisa Johnston Sat, 07 Mar 2015 21:45:05 +0000 In reply to Danielle Miller.


She is almost 5 months, but she was born 10 weeks early, so her corrected age is 11 weeks.  I know it’s too early to be expecting her to sleep through the night or to start sleep training.  I’m just trying to get it all figured out for when the time is right so I can have a loose game plan. 🙂
