Comments on: This is How to Put Your Baby on a 6 Month Old Schedule Open to ALL moms (with no secret handshakes) Wed, 15 Sep 2021 19:26:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: 20 of the Most Heart-Captivating Baby Costumes You've Ever Seen - The Mighty Moms Club Wed, 13 Sep 2017 05:31:32 +0000 […] New Parent? This Strong 6-9 Month Old Baby Schedule Can Really Help! […]

By: The Cheater's Guide to Baby Sleep Training - Thu, 23 Feb 2017 16:26:12 +0000 […] Example of a Daily Routine for a 6-9 Month Old […]

By: The Fast & Furious Route to a Perfect Nap Routine - The Mighty Moms Club Wed, 04 Jan 2017 23:25:50 +0000 […] naps lasting about 2 hours, and an optional 3rd nap being limited to around 45 minutes.  (See an example.)  If your baby isn’t tired and ready for bed at 7:00-7:30, that’s a good indicator […]

By: Heather Tue, 11 Oct 2016 23:17:03 +0000 In reply to Mel.

Mel, I’m so sorry to hear this! It’s exhausting to try to chase down a two-year-old AND a 7-month-old when you’re well-rested, let alone when you’re getting no sleep whatsoever! I would recommend setting up a Sleep Session with Gentle Sleep Coach Amy Potts for next week. This will allow her to ask you some more questions, get to know your situation better, and then help you create a workable sleep plan on how to get him sleeping better – without disrupting your toddler. There are lots of different methods we could try, besides cry-it-out. Getting to know you better will help her recommend one that may be a better fit to your situation. 🙂

By: Mel Mon, 10 Oct 2016 02:18:33 +0000 My son just turned 7 months old and is up every two hours at night! I could count on one hand the amount of times he has slept a 5 hour stretch. He wakes up screaming and does not stop until he is fed, and then falls asleep, but wakes screaming again once I put him in his crib. I’ve tried to let him “cry it out”, but he ends up winning and getting rocked because I have a two year old in the next room and don’t like leaving him to cry long (it is not just a fuss or wimper, but screaming) Please help!

By: Heather Thu, 15 Sep 2016 16:35:26 +0000 In reply to Ekaterina Reier.

Ekaterina, it’s normal for there to be some sleep disruptions at this age. She’s going through a major milestone shift right now – moving from “newborn” to “baby”. You may notice her appetite increasing as well. At this age, the longest she can go is about 1 – 1.5 hours in between sleeps. 5am is considered “early waking” and can often be caused by her being overtired at bedtime. (Which makes sense, looking at some of the napping issues you’re having.) I would recommend signing up for a Sleep Session with Amy, so she can look over your sleep logs and give you more specific personalized suggestions for handling those naps. There are a lot of different factors that can cause disruptions at this age, I hesitate to get too specific. I could accidentally give you the wrong advice. Talking things through one-on-one would let us get specific answers to specific questions, and get a better feel for what’s going on at home. Then we can help you create a workable plan, and identify what is reasonable to expect for her at this age. Hopefully that makes sense. Click here to learn more about the Sleep Sessions.

By: Ekaterina Reier Tue, 13 Sep 2016 23:50:26 +0000 Heather,

My baby’s routine is almost exactly that, except we have not started lunch yet. The problem I am having is this. She has been sleeping through the night just fine for a few months 7-7, no issues. At about 5 month mark she however started waking up at  5-6 AM and whining. Sometimes she would fall back asleep and sometimes she will not and I end up with a full on screaming baby at half past way too early in the morning. Which makes me think that she probably has reached her point of “sleep saturation” and doesn’t need as much sleep in the daytime any more. But…. if I try to extend her wake times and shorten her naps, I WILL have an overtired baby. It is catch 22, really. She is a week shy of being 7 months now, and I am not sure how and where to shift her schedule. She normally takes an hr and a half nap in the AM, and an hr and a half in the afternoon. She may or may not take a catnap at around 415. Lately it is a struggle, but I make her do it anyway, cause otherwise she ends up being up for 5 hrs before bedtime, which is a no-no. I guess the question is, how long is too long between sleeps at this age. Should I insist on stretching her wake times and drop that catnap or what? Should I push her bed time back and shorten her night time sleep? It does not seem to help though, cause she wakes up early in the AM anyway. No idea what to do and she is driving me crazy with her 5 AM wake p calls.


By: Heather Tue, 06 Sep 2016 17:23:37 +0000 In reply to Carol.

Naps are often the hardest part of sleep training, Carol. You’re in good company. Also, there’s a growth spurt around the 6 month period, which can be having a factor here. Honestly, I’d need to look over your sleep logs and interview you about your current naptime routine. Then we’d create a plan on how it would be best to approach your specific child and help her stretch those naps. I would recommend that you consider doing a Sleep Session with Amy and she can share various methods you can choose from to help get on a better place. That way we can dive deeper into what’s going on and talk with you about what’s the best option for you, moving forward.

By: Carol Thu, 01 Sep 2016 15:25:01 +0000 Hello!My baby will be 6 months in 3 days. She sleeps very well at night (usually sleeping by 7 or 7:30 pm the latest and goes until around 7 am with one feeding during the night around 4 or 5 am. I wake her up at 7 am if she isn’t already). But naps are something that I can’t figure out. Every day is different. She does sleep on her own, I do a nap routine and put her on her crib awake (she either plays a bit with her lovey and falls asleep easily or cries and I go in to soothe her doing PU/PD until she settles and falls asleep). She used to sleep 1:30-2 hours in the morning and have longer naps during the day, but now she almost always sleeps for 45 min only. I can’t figure out what is wrong, because she falls asleep on her own, I guess she should be able to connect sleep cycles. I try to put her down every two hours, when she is showing sleepy signs, but every day is different, sometimes she will sleep a little longer or she will take more time to settle to go to sleep and this makes every day look different, which is upsetting. What can I be doing wrong?

By: Jenny Blake Thu, 04 Aug 2016 11:24:13 +0000 In reply to Natasha.

I think that this is normal, Natasha. Eventually, you could increase the amount to 8 oz at breakfast, lunch, afternoon bottle, dinner and then one before bed. This will get him used to eating at normal times and fill up his belly until the next feeding. It might even stretch his naps out longer. It is also important to feed him his solids close to the time he gets his bottle. Think of bottle/solids like his whole meal. If you give them to him at separate times, he is going to think he is snacking throughout the whole day. The more he gets filled up at mealtimes, the more likely he will give up that 4:45 feeding.

Hope this helps!
